ARDA Research Framework

is a research funding agency in agriculture and related fields which under supervision of the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. ARDA operational strategy and research frameworks have linked and connected with the 20-Year National Strategy and government policy which aim to adapt the economic structure to Value-Based economy by the idea of “Thailand 4.0”, the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2560 B.E.-2564 B.E.) which targeted to promote research and development, technology and innovation as important mechanisms in country development.In the fiscal year 2024, ARDA will be allocated research funding in 6 research frameworks as follows:
1. Accelerate the production development and export of food and Thai fruit high-value, agriculture high-value processed let Thailand lead the world by increasing the economic value and country of purchases.

2. Developing production process marketing processes and the main economic crops and animal products of the countries throughout the value chain to increase the value and income of the country.

3. Developing elderly farmers in the rural and urban sectors to have the potential for self-reliance valuable and increase their value to society.

4. Upgrading the level of Smart Farming agriculture that completes the value chain for poor farmers in the community using technology and innovation.

5. Developing research and technology to accelerate the development and solution of natural resource problems in agroecology (water, forest, land), including upgrading to a low-carbon society.

6. Developing technology, innovation, model, and integrated management systems to reduce risks and impacts, including rehabilitation and assistance in rural and agricultural areas from natural disasters and climate change.